Our Services

Introduction to Self-Discovery

In our Introduction to SELF-Discovery you’ll find the source of your negative self-talk and start eliminating it!

In this two-hour private discovery session you’ll:
  • Gain clarity on how automatic limiting patterns get created and greatly influence your life
  • Find out why “I” is such a powerful word and LEARN how to use it for your greatest benefit
  • Identify a “part of you” currently holding you back and transform it!
  • Activate the different aspects of your mind as a united force for achievement
  • Discover why affirmations alone cannot change limiting beliefs. and experience how those beliefs CAN be changed
  • Learn how to let go of negativity from the past and make new choices in the present
  • Experience an Alignment and Transformational Meditation

In this private two-hour course, Introduction to SELF-Discovery, learn the foundational principles and models of the Academy’s work AND experience the Alignment exercise to tap into your inner power. Also, be guided through the Transformational Meditation process to connect you with and utilize your Greater Power to free yourself from a limiting belief of your choice.

Schedule a discovery call to see how this session can improve your life and business.

Mastery of self Course

Transform Your Finances, Relationships, Health and Intuitive, Invisible (Superconscious/Spiritual) Aspect – in 28 Days!

The 28-day Mastery of “self” Intensive Course is our premier course for empowering you to elevate yourself to the heights of achievement, success, and fulfillment of which you’ve dreamed.

Design your life, establish your mission, and set clear and measurable goals; then learn the tools and skills to claim your goals – within 28 days.

Using your Intuitive Invisible (SuperConscious/Spiritual) Aspect as your guide, you’ll learn the skills necessary to consistently break through barriers holding you back. By establishing new, powerful beliefs and habits, you experience permanent changes necessary to create an extraordinary life.

You’ll eliminate uncertainty and move forward with confidence, certainty, and resolve. With newly developed awareness and clarity, recognize the old beliefs that have held you back and develop empowering beliefs that will inspire your actions and create an extraordinary life.

Daily 45-minute sessions (six days a week) with your Transformational Coach will include facilitated Transformational Meditation, the main technology we teach to resolve and remove any limiting belief.

This course provides ongoing support and accountability during the integration and implementation process to ensure your success.
Take a quantum leap in your personal growth, career direction, spiritual awakening and literally pole vault yourself to the next step in manifesting your Mastery!

Here’s a sample of what the course includes:
  • Design your life and create a personal mission statement.
  • Create and implement your personal action plan.
  • Realize dramatic changes in less than two weeks.
  • Over the 28 days, your past blocks will become clear; learn new skills to navigate through them, while daily practice and coaching anchor in your new skills.
  • Create new empowered awareness and clarity.
  • Eliminate old, destructive beliefs and create beliefs that drive you forward with inspiration and enthusiasm.
  • Eliminate uncertainty; move forward with confidence, certainty, and resolve.
  • Access and strengthen your intuition and be a powerful decision-maker.
  • Access your Higher Truth and experience freedom and guidance – at will.
  • Improve your personal and professional relationships.
  • By expanding your work achievements, watch your earnings soar to the next level.

Schedule a discovery call to see how this course can improve your life and business.

Mastery Consistency

Consistency are one-on-one consultations between the graduates of the 28-day course and their coach. This program provides ongoing support and accountability as the graduate continues to implement into their daily lives the skills and techniques that they have learned in order to attain even greater goals without stress. At this point, although the student has “learned” the signals, tools, and skills taught in the 28-day course, there is much more experience in the laboratory of life required to be able to achieve Mastery. This is the continuing PROCESS of Mastery of self and results in a profound difference between the students who choose to continue on and those who do not. When you get a good result, you want to continue doing the same thing that got you that result. Life seems to have an unwritten “maintenance” clause that we need to pay careful attention to and plan accordingly! Consistency is offered on an ongoing basis

Keynote Speaker

Steve David is available as Keynote Speaker Presentations/Podcast Guest Interviews/Business Consulting Services


What is quantum?
The quantum field is the energy around and inside us as a continuum. This includes external natural visible forces (people, places, things) and invisible forces such as thoughts and feelings, as well as the electromagnetic forces of nature such as radio waves, light, and sound, and what people refer to as Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, Greater Power, and God.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more

What is an edge?
An edge is a skill or resource that provides an obvious benefit over the typical norm. As humans, we are all equal. What sets us apart, or gives us the edge, is the ability to increase our skills. The Mastery of self course gives you the skills and tools to be a better human and make a greater impact in your life, business, and the world.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more

What is preventing you from fulfilling your goals?

If you’re struggling in the three main areas of life: career and finances, physical and emotional health and happiness, and relationships with family and others, you’re not alone. Many people don’t realize their goals because they have incomplete knowledge. They have an idea of what they should do but lack the ability to apply the knowledge. The Mastery of self course will guide you in knowing who you are, and will permanently shift beliefs keeping you from reaching your goals.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more

Why can’t I seem to experience peak performance and well-being?
The root cause of worry, anxiety, loneliness, depression, anger, lack of fulfillment and happiness, and the lack of experiencing peak performance and well-being lies in your thoughts and belief systems. When you have incomplete resources and skills, you can’t take the right action to positively transform your inner thoughts and emotions, so your outer experience with people, places, and things suffers. In the 28-day Mastery of self course, you get 28 principles that guide you to achieving peak performance and experiencing well-being in every area of your life. The principles, starting with Desire and ending in Freedom, build on one another together and give you the edge you need to be successful.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more

Why is Executive Level Coaching/Mentorship a Key Component?
In addition to the fact that this scope of applied knowledge and implementation is not taught in any undergraduate, professional school, or workplace, the one-on-one coaching/facilitation offered makes the difference between efficient, optimal success versus failure. The effective use of a compassionate expert to facilitate YOUR individual growth, with a customized focus on YOUR individual issues, is often missing in our lives. Often, no one around us has the time, energy, and expertise to help us with this transformational work. The individualized experience with a coach is simply not possible in a group setting and is nearly impossible to achieve on your own. The 28-day program offers this one-to-one advantage to ensure and maintain the necessary momentum that results in lasting, permanent, positive transformation. The goal is SELF-reliance on the specialized knowledge and implementation techniques. For those who desire it, however, ways to maintain access to a coach/mentor are available.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more